Domestic Violence
Human Trafficking
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Assault
Other Forms of Violence Against Women
General Information
Best Practices
Law and Policy
Ongoing Developments
Forms of Domestic Violence
Theories of Violence
Prevalence of Domestic Violence
Effects of Domestic Violence
Women's Use of Violence
Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence
Dating Violence
Animal Abuse and Domestic Violence
LGBTQ Domestic Violence
Technology-Assisted Domestic Violence
Evolution of Theories of Violence
Other Causes and Complicating Factors
Myths About Alcohol
Health Effects
Effects on Children
Community Costs of Domestic Violence
HIV/AIDS and Other STIs
Domestic Violence and Housing
Inter-Agency Response
Victim Protection, Support and Assistance
Systems Actors
Orders for Protection
Child Custody and Family Law Issues
Batterers' Intervention Programs
Lobbying and Community Education
Goals and Strategies of an Inter-Agency Response
Inter-Agency Response Participants
Benefits of Coordination
Adapting the Duluth Model
Advocacy Guidelines
Lethal and Extremely Dangerous Behavior
Safety Planning
Shelters and Safehouses
Crisis Centers and Hotlines
Role of Police
Role of Prosecutors
Role of the Judiciary
Role of Health Care Providers
Forensic Medical Systems
Law Enforcement Reform
Determining the Predominant Aggressor
Officer-Involved Domestic Violence
Prosecutorial Reform
Judicial Education and Support
Specialized Domestic Violence Court Systems
Court Monitoring Programs
Domestic Fatality Review Boards
Confidentiality and Support
Screening and Referral
Documentation and Reporting
Creating a Health Care Response
Child Custody Issues
Role of Child Protection Services
Protective Orders and Child Custody
Divorce and Child Custody
Parenting Time and Domestic Violence
Child Protective Services and Domestic Violence
The Hague Convention and Domestic Violence
Counseling and Treatment
Influential US Batterers' Intervention Programs
Effectiveness of Batterers' Intervention Programs
Batterers' Intervention Programs in CEE/FSU Countries
International Domestic Violence Law
Regional Law and Standards
Model Legislation
Sample National Domestic Violence Laws
Protocols and Policies
Methodology for Monitoring the Implementation of Domestic Violence Laws
Drafting Laws on Domestic Violence
UN Treaties on Domestic Violence
UN Resolutions on Domestic Violence
UN Conference Documents on Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence: Special Rapporteur
State Responsibility for Domestic Violence
International Domestic Violence Resources
European Union
Council of Europe - Istanbul Convention
Council of Europe - European Convention on Human Rights
Council of Europe - Resolutions
Organization of American States
Additional Resources
Surveys of National Laws
U.S. Law
Community Policies
Police Protocols
Prosecution Protocols
Health Care Protocols
Batterers' Intervention Programs
Protocols for Victim Support and Assistance
Human Trafficking Overview
Training and Advocacy
Ongoing Developments
Sex Trafficking and Safe Harbor Resource Pack
Prevalence of Trafficking in Women
Causes and Contributing Factors
Trafficking Routes
Trafficking Violates Women's Human Rights
Sex Trafficking
Labor Trafficking and Forced Labor Exploitation
Debt Bondage
Distinguishing Trafficking with Migration
Other Forms of Trafficking
Health Consequences of Trafficking
Legal Consequences of Trafficking
Drafting Laws on Sex Trafficking of Women and Girls
Economic Factors
Demand for Women's Sexual Services
The Search for a Better Life and Desire to Travel
Domestic Violence as a Cause of Trafficking in Women
Organized Crime
Conflict Zones and Militarization
Government Policies and Practices
UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children
UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery
Protection, Support and Assistance of Victims
Prevention of Trafficking in Women
Return and Reintegration
Common Reactions
Legal Protection
Education and Awareness Raising
Training Programs and Technical Cooperation
General Information
Training and Advocacy
Law and Policy
Ongoing Developments
What is Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?
Theories of Sexual Harassment
Prevalence of Sexual Harassment
Effects of Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment Occurs at the Work Site or in a Work Related Environment
Sexual Harassment is Conduct Based on Sex or of a Sexual Nature
Sexual Harassment is Conduct that is Unwelcome or Unwanted
Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment that Creates a Hostile Work Environment
Sexual Harassment and the Subordination of Women
Sexual Harassment is an Affront to Dignity
Violence and Power
Perpetuation of Gender Stereotypes
Economic Power Over Women
Prevention Mechanisms, Policies and Strategies
Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Monitoring Workplace Practices and Enforcing Sexual Harassment Law
Employer Responsibilities: Sexual Harassment Policies, Trainings and Complaint Procedures
The Role of Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining
Media and Communication Strategies for Ending Sexual Harassment
Approaches to Gender Equality/ Equal Opportunity Institutions
Allowing NGOs to Bring Litigation on Behalf of Victims
International Legal Framework
Regional Law and Standards
Domestic Legal Framework
List of Law and Policy Documents
Drafting Laws on Sexual Harassment
UN Conventions
UN Conference Documents
Special Rapporteur
International Labor Organization
Council of Europe
European Union
European Union Treaty Charter Obligations
1976 Equal Treatment Directive and 2002 Sexual Harassment Amendment
Directive on Reversal of the Burden of Proof in Sex Discrimination Cases
EU Council and Parliamentary Resolutions
EU Commission Code of Practice on Measures to Combat Sexual Harassment
Defining Sexual Harassment
Approaches to and Remedies under Sexual Harassment Law
Employer Liability Standards
Barriers to Effective Enforcement of Sexual Harassment Law
Guidelines for Drafting Sexual Harassment Laws
Civil Law
Criminal Law
International Legal Framework
Regional Law and Standards
Domestic Legal Framework Around the World
General Information
Advocacy and Training
Law and Policy
Ongoing Developments
What is Sexual Assault?
Prevalence of Sexual Assault
Forms of Sexual Assault
Consequences of Sexual Assault
Consent, Force and Coercion
Types of Sexual Contact
Theories of Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault and Vulnerable Populations
Sexual Assault and Male Dominance
Sexual Assault and Cultural Norms
Sexual Assault and the Media
Biological Theories of Sexual Assault
Marital and Intimate Partner Sexual Assault
Custodial Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault Against Refugees
Sexual Assault During Armed Conflict
Date and Acquaintance Sexual Assault
Street Harassment
Sexual Assault in the Military
Prevalence of Street Harassment and its Consequences
Law and Policy on Street Harassment
International Prevalence of Sexual Assault in the Military
Sexual Assault Within the United States Military
Secondary Victimization
The Military Justice System Response to Sexual Assault
Health Consequences of Sexual Assault
Victim Reactions to Sexual Assault
Consequences of Sexual Assault on the Community
Sexual Assault, HIV/AIDS and Other STIs
Coordinated Crisis Intervention
Sexual Assault Advocacy Programs
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners
Sexual Assault Response Teams
Coordinating Councils
Health Care Provider Responses
International Legal Framework
Regional Law and Standards
National Sexual Assault Laws
Drafting Laws on Sexual Assault
Protocols and Policies
Criminal Law and Procedure
Evidentiary Issues and Forensic Medical Institutes
Law Enforcement and Prosecutions
Civil Remedies
UN Conference Documents
Ad Hoc International Tribunals
International Criminal Court
UN Special Rapporteurs
Council of Europe
European Union
Laws in the United States
Laws in the CEE/FSU Region
Other Approaches to Sexual Assault Law
Community Policies
Police Protocols
Prosecutor Protocols
Health Care Protocols
Protocols for Victims Support and Assistance
Sexual Assault in Higher Education – Laws and Protocols
Defining the Prohibited Contact
Force and Resistance Requirements
Consent and Mens Rea
Procedural Obstacles
Other Law Reform Efforts
Legal Protection and Support for Victims
Crimes Committed in the Name of "Honor"
Dowry-Related Violence
Female Environmental Refugees
Female Genital Mutilation
Forced and Early Marriage
Forced/Coerced Sterilization
Gender-Based Asylum
Harmful Practices
Indigenous Women
Maltreatment of Widows
Son Preference
Violence Against LGBT Women
Violence Against the Girl Child
Violence Against Women and HIV/AIDS
Women and Armed Conflict
Violence Against Women with Disabilities
Causes and Risk Factors
Law and Policy
Governmental and Non-Governmental Response
Ongoing Developments
Causes and Risk Factors
Law and Policy
Ongoing Developments
Causes and Risk Factors
Law and Policy
Governmental and Non-Governmental Response
Ongoing Developments
Ongoing Developments
Causes and Risk Factors
Law and Policy
Femicide in the CEE/FSU Region
Government Response
NGO Response
Ongoing Developments
Causes, Consequences, and Prevention
Bride Kidnapping
International and Domestic Law and Policy
Ongoing Developments
Law and Policy
Government and NGO Response
Ongoing Developments
Causes and Risk Factors
Law and Policy
NGO Response
Ongoing Developments
European Union
United Kingdom
United States
Acid Attacks, Stove Burning, Etc.
Breast Ironing
Forced Pregnancy
Virginity Tests
"Witch" Persecution
Ongoing Developments
Causes and Risk Factors
Law and Policy
Government and NGO Response
Ongoing Developments
Defining Discrimination against Women and Widows
Causes and Risk Factors
Governmental and NGO Response
Law and Policy
Ongoing Developments
Ongoing Developments
Causes and Risk Factors
Government Response
Law and Policy
NGO Response
Ongoing Developments
Causes and Risk Factors
Law and Policy
Government and NGO Responses
Ongoing Developments
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Community Education
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United Nations Systems
European System
United Nations Entities
United Nations Documents That Protect Women's Rights
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UN Treaties on Violence Against Women
UN Resolutions on Violence Against Women
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Major United Nations Enforcement Bodies
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UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
UN Commission on the Status of Women
UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women
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Reporting Mechanism
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Complaint Mechanism
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Complaint Mechanism
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Complaint Mechanism
Complaint Mechanism
Reporting Mechanism
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Reporting Mechanism
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Complaint Mechanism
Complaint Mechanism
Reporting Mechanism
Additional Resources
Reporting Mechanism
Additional Resources
Reporting Mechanism
Complaint Mechanism
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European Union Enforcement Mechanisms
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Enforcement Mechanisms
European Court of Human Rights
European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
European Committee of Social Rights
Court of Justice
EU Accession Process and Women's Rights
NGO Strategies to Impact the EU Accession Process
Sexual Assault
General Information
Forms of Sexual Assault
Sexual Assault in the Military
Sexual Assault Within the United States Military
Sexual Assault Within the United States Military
last updated August 2013
Although sexual assault in the military happens in every country with a military, in recent years particular attention has been given to the United States’ military system.
The 2012 documentary
The Invisible War
, written and directed by Kirby Dick, caused many viewers to take notice for the first time of the growing problem of sexual assaults occurring within the U.S. military. Since then, the issue has become a top priority for United States Congress members, the President, the Department of Defense, and the general public.
Although actions have been taken to curb the amount of assaults, estimates suggest that around 26,000 military service members experienced some form of unwanted sexual contact in the year 2012, reflecting an increase of 7,000 from the year 2010.
United States Department of Defense
completed a survey of 22,792 active duty members from September to November of 2012. Of those surveyed, 6.1% of active duty women and 1.2% of active duty men reported instances of unwanted sexual contact that occurred in the last 12 months. For women, this represents a significant increase of 4.7% since 2010.
The survey also reports that, according to the 6.1% who reported unwanted sexual contact in 2012:
The top three sexual assault offenders were military coworkers (57%), another military person (40%) and a higher ranking service member who was not in the victim’s chain of command (38%).
In 50% of cases, the offender used physical force (representing a 22% increase from 2006).
In 30% of the cases, the victim was sexually harassed either before or after the sexual assault incident. In 8% of cases, the victim was stalked before or after the incident. In 20% of cases, the victim was both sexually harassed and stalked either before or after the incident.
In 25% of the cases, the perpetrator was in the victim’s chain of command.
66% of women who were sexually assaulted did not make any kind of report to a military authority. The reasons victims listed for not reporting incidents included:
The victim did not want anyone to know (70%).
The victim felt uncomfortable making a report (66%).
The victim did not think the report would be kept confidential (51%).
Many women, worldwide, and in the military or civilian society, do not report sexual assault for fear of social or professional retaliation. Of the 33% of surveyed victims of sexual assault who did report an incident of unwanted sexual contact to a military authority:
3% experienced professional retaliation only;
31% experienced social retaliation only;
26% experienced a combination of both professional and social retaliation; and
38% experienced no retaliation.
Of the 66% of women who did not report the incident of unwanted sexual contact:
43% did not report because they thought nobody would believe them;
28% thought that their performance evaluations and their opportunities for promotions would suffer;
23% thought they would be punished for other infractions (such as underage drinking); and
23% reported being afraid that they would be assaulted again.
Examples of Inadequate Response to Sexual Assault in the United States Military
In 1992, an investigation revealed that 83 women and 7 men had been sexually assaulted during one weekend at the 35th Annual Tailhook Symposium, a convention for naval aviators, in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
. Assaults occurred in multiple areas of the Hilton hotel that housed the convention. Most assaults, however, occurred on the third-floor where up to 200 men formed a “gauntlet” and assaulted women who walked through the hallway.
After the incident, 119 Navy and 21 Marine officers were referred for disciplinary action. None of the 140 cases went to trial. Half were dismissed due to lack of evidence. Although many received fines or career penalties, almost all of the offenders were charged with misconduct other than sexual assault.
Aberdeen Proving Ground
In 1996, 12 officers were accused of sexually assaulting female trainees under their command at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Aberdeen, Maryland, United States. The officers used their authority to prey on women completing basic training. One company commander and three drill sergeants were sent to prison. 7 of the remaining officers were discharged or punished administratively and one officer was cleared.
United States Air Force Academy 2003 Survey
A survey, given to female Air Force soldiers in 2003, revealed that 12% of the female graduating class at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, had been sexually assaulted during the four years at the academy. Air Force officials initially played down the incident but then replaced the academy’s leadership and called for an “agenda of change.”
San Antonio-Lackland
This scandal, centered around the Joint Base San Antontio-Lackland in San Antonio, Texas, United States, has become one of the worst in Air Force history with over two dozen instructors court-martialed for misconduct involving over 70 trainees since 2009. Since the allegations began in 2011, Lackland has implemented many changes, including: a buddy system; an increased number of surveillance cameras; and hiring more female training instructors.
Investigations at Lackland are ongoing. A new Air Force policy, which took effect July 2013, requires commanders to initiate separation actions for any officer or enlisted airmen found to have committed any kind of sexual misconduct.
In 2011, the
United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women Rashida Manjoo
issued a
on violence against women in the United States. In her report she noted:
Violence against women in the military is prompted by numerous factors, ranging from a very hierarchic and command driven structure, to a culture that promotes masculine traits of power and control, and a pattern of underreporting and impunity. Survivors explained how perpetrators often exert control over victims, and are likely to outrank them. If the perpetrators are in the victims’ chain of command, reporting the incident can seem impossible and victims often feel that they need to make a choice between their military career and seeking justice.
Women soldiers face unique barriers after reporting cases of sexual assault. For example, problems with the military justice system allow many perpetrators to evade justice. Additionally, many soldiers who report unwanted sexual conduct face retaliation and victim-blaming. For more on these issues, please see the
Military Justice System
Secondary Victimization
pages of this website.
Ed O’Keefe, “Why Congress likely will move quickly to curb sex assaults in the military,”
Washington Post
, June 5, 2013,
; Michael O’Brien, “Obama: Sex assaults undermine military's integrity,”
NBC News
, August 7, 2013,
; Darren Samuelsohn, “Defense Department considers more action on sexual assault,”
, August 7, 2013,
United States Department of Defense,
Department of Defense Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military: Fiscal Year 2012, Volume 1
, April 15, 2013,
United States Department of Defense,
2012 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Active Duty Members
, March 15, 2013,
United States Department of Defense,
note 2.
Michael Winerip, “Revisiting the Military’s Tailhook Scandal,”
The New York Times
, May 13, 2013,
“Tailhook ’91: The Gauntlet,”
, accessed August 13, 2013,
Jackie Spinner, “In the Wake of Sex Scandal, Caution is the Rule at Aberdeen,”
Washington Post
, November 7, 1997,
Diana Jean Schemo, “Rate of Rape at Academy Is Put at 12% in Survey,”
The New York Times
, August 29, 2003,
Emily Baucum, “Exclusive Look at Lackland’s Changes in Wake of Sex Scandal,”
News 4
, August 7, 2013,
Jennifer H. Svan, “Air Force to dismiss anyone found to have committed sexual misconduct,”
Stars and Stripes
, August 13, 2013,
Special Rapporteur on violence against Women, its causes and consequences,
Mission to the United States of America
, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/17/26/Add.5, June 6, 2011,