A group of 111 professional and amatuer women photographers came together to raise awareness of the status of underprivileged women in Turkey, especially violence against women. The photographers donated works for a project, For Women By Women, as part of a larger intiative to raise awareness around the issues of violence against women, foster positive change in the lives of women at risk, and help provide funding for women's organizations and shelters. Photographers sold their pictures at auctions over the past year in several cities in Turkey, as well as London, and Washington, D.C. Proceeds from their photographs have gone to support Independent Women's Support Organization in Mersin and Women Solidarity Association in Urfa.
The hard work and international success of the program increased participation to over 200 photographers as well as receiving the 2005 Annual Photograph Award from the Istanbul Photographers and Cinematographers Association (IFSAK).
The New Exhibit "For Women, By Women" can be seen at the Alsancak Culture Center in Izmir's Konak Municipality through Sept. 30. The exhibition can then be seen at the Cetin Emec Art Gallery in Izmir on Oct. 2-15.
For more information please contact Art4Development.Net at Email: fwbw@art4development.net
Tel: 1 877 580 6670.
Compiled from: The Womens United Nations Report Network, http://www.wunrn.com and Hand in hand for women in Urfa, Elcin Sener, The New Anatolian, http://www.thenewanatolian.com/print-15187.html