Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE), a network of European women’s NGOs dedicated to combating violence against women and children, has released its 2014 European statistics report documenting support services for women victims of violence in Europe, including women’s shelters and helplines. The report indicated that, in total, European countries provided only 34% of the Council of Europe's recommended shelter spaces for women and children victims of violence. The report also found that women could more easily access shelters in European Union (EU) countries than in non-EU countries. WAVE said that national women’s helplines are available in 67% of European countries, although many helplines do not operate 24/7 and/or free of charge.
To access the 2014 Statistics, please visit the WAVE website. To download a copy of the full WAVE Report 2014, "Specialized Women’s Support Services and New Tools for Combating Gender-based Violence in Europe," please click here.
Compiled from: WAVE Newsletter January-February 2015, Women Against Violence Europe (March 2015); WAVE European Statistics 2014 (March 2015).