New Report: Seventy-Five Percent of Women Experience Violence Online
Monday, September 28, 2015 1:20 PM
A United Nations report has found that nearly 75% of women globally have experienced some form of internet or cyber-violence. According to the report, cyber-violence includes threats of sexual violence or death, “hate speech, hacking, identity theft, online stalking threats and induced suicides.” The report, “Cyber-Violence against Women and Girls: A World-Wide Wake up Call,” also noted that the internet “facilitates other forms of violence against women,” such as trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation. Acts of cyber-violence are rarely reported, investigated or prosecuted and victims generally receive no assistance or protection. The report provides several recommendations to curb cyber-violence against women including: educational programs, internet safeguards against harassment, and the enactment of laws against internet violence.
Compiled from: Reynolds, Emily, UN: ‘urgent action’ needed on cyber violence against women, Wired (September 25, 2015); Whitney, Lance, UN urges action to combat online violence against women, CNET (September 25, 2015).