Sixty-two percent of Moroccan women have experienced some form of domestic, sexual or physical violence, according to a new report released by a coalition of thirty-eight women’s organizations in Morocco. Domestic violence was the most prevalent type of violence suffered by Moroccan women, affecting fifty-five percent of women surveyed. The report found that impunity for perpetrators was widespread, due to inadequate laws, entrenched gender discrimination, illiteracy and poverty, particularly among rural Moroccan women. The report will be presented in March at the fifty-ninth session of the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women, at U.N. headquarters in New York.
Compiled from: Over 62% of Moroccan Women Are Victims of Gender-based Violence, Morocco World News (March 2, 2015); Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Report: 62% of Moroccan women victims of violence, Pangea Today (February 27, 2015).