The Parliament of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Macedonia) has enacted comprehensive domestic violence legislation that will enter into force on January 1, 2015. The new law will provide for “urgent proceedings,” such as removing a violent perpetrator from a victim’s home. It also “expands the definition of domestic violence to include economic violence and stalking.” The law will require greater national coordination on preventing and combating domestic violence, as well gender equality trainings for professionals who interact with victims, including social workers, healthcare professionals, and local government officials.
Prior to the passage of the new domestic violence legislation, victims in Macedonia had few options to protect themselves from abusive partners because the country lacked a “systemic law on domestic violence.”
Macedonian member of Parliament Ermira Mehmeti Devaja said in support of the new legislation, “[t]he rejection of the view that domestic violence is primarily a private matter resulted in the acceptance of the attitude that it must be defined and understood not only as a threat to the individual victims, but also as a threat to society.”
Compiled from: ''The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia'' - A new path-breaking law to combat domestic violence, Parliamentary Network Women Free from Violence (November 27, 2014); New law spurs action, bringing protection to many, UN Women News (October 30, 2014); The new law will significantly reduce domestic violence, Kurir (September 30, 2014).