The prevalence of AIDS is rising across the globe, but the rate of women’s infections is rising at a faster rate than men’s in many countries, according to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 29 July report. One reason for this disturbing trend is the link between HIV and sexual violence. “Childhood sexual abuse, which can seed a lifetime of high-risk behaviors; partner and non-partner sexual violence; and physical, psychological and emotional violence” are some causes of HIV infection, according to Charlotte Watts of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine’s Health Policy Unit, who spoke at the XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico City in August 2008.
One reason for the increase in women’s infections is through violence, including from abusive partners. According to “recent studies… abusive men [are] more likely to practice high-risk behaviors, such as unprotected sex with multiple partners or intravenous drug use…”
Compiled from: "Violence Linked to Rapid Rise of AIDS in Women", Theresa Braine, Women's eNews, 8 August 2008, and "2008 Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic", Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, August 2008. (Zip/PDF file, 362 pages.)