Eliminating violence against women and girls (VAW/G) is difficult if organizations, policy-makers, and others do not have a complete or reliable set of indicators to help monitor and evaluate this occurrence. Due to the lack of indicators, groups which provide services or support for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence often struggle to assess the magnitude of VAW/G is a particular area. A report published in October 2008, in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), provides a comprehensive list of indicators for evaluating and monitoring VAW/G. The report combines quantitative and qualitative measures of assessment. The indicators in the report cover five main areas of VAW/G: skewed sex ratios, intimate partner violence, violence from someone other than an intimate partner, female genital cutting/mutilation, and child marriage. The report also explores health, education, justice/security and social welfare sectors. The indicators for evaluation include current developments in VAW/G such as humanitarian emergencies and femicide.
To read full report, click here. (pdf 252 pages)
Compiled from: Bloom, Shelah S., “Violence against Women and Girls: A Compendium of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators”, USAID and Interagency Gender Working Group, October 2008.