The 2009 United States Trafficking in Persons Report season has begun, and we invite you to contribute to the important work of holding countries accountable for their efforts to combat trafficking. The State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP) relies heavily on NGOs to supplement information received by foreign governments. Your contribution is essential: The information obtained from NGOs has contributed significantly to determining the tier rankings of several countries.
We are interested in any trafficking-related research, field work, databases, or other pertinent information documented or drafted within the past year. In particular, we need data on any new manifestations or routes of sex trafficking, as well as information on governmental efforts to identify victims of sex trafficking or forced labor and refer them to service providers. We are also eager to obtain data on the phenomenon of debt bondage among persons in involuntary labor or prostitution, as well as governmental efforts to identify this non-physical form of coercion and address it.
We also invite you to submit your organization’s public awareness campaign materials, such as billboards, posters, or murals, that have been developed or disseminated over the last year. These may be featured in the 2009 TIP Report. Please submit them as high resolution (1 MB or more) digital image files.
I have attached and pasted below a questionnaire for compiling information for the 2009 Trafficking in Persons Report. Your time and resources are precious, and we appreciate your dedication to this task. Please complete the questions for which you have information.
You may return this survey via email to TIPReport@state.gov or fax to 202-312-9637 by March 1, 2009.
Thank you for your enthusiasm and intense effort to ensure the protection of victims, the prosecution of traffickers, and, ultimately, the prevention of Modern Day Slavery.
Nan Kennelly
Acting Director, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
U.S. Department of State
(202) 312-9639
Published in: USA - Trafficking in Persons Report 2009 Call for Input - Questionnaire, Women's United Nations Report Network, 2 February 2009.