A new database which tracks sexual assault policies at colleges and universities throughout the United States,The Campus Accountability Project, has been created by the joint efforts of Students Active for Ending Rape (SAFER) and V-Day. The database includes information on sexual assault sections in each university’s student code of conduct, whether anonymous reports of sexual violence can be made, and if sexual assault crisis services are available 24 hours a day. The goals of the database are to provide students and prospective students with information regarding their university’s sexual assault practices and to offer information and advice on how to advocate for changes to existing college policy.
Organizers of the database issued initial findings after its first two years, and intend to create another report once information from 400 schools is collected. Additionally, organizers hope the rankings on sexual assault will eventually be included in existing college ranking systems used by prospective college students, alumni, and school administrators.
Compiled from: Database Spotlights Gaps in Campus Rape Policies, WE News: Women’s E-News.Org (16 Februay 2012).