The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW Committee) has adopted a decision on a communication regarding domestic violence in Chechnya. In response to a domestic violence claim brought forward, the committee has released several recommendations for Chechnya to improve its criminal justice system with respect to domestic violence cases, bolster victim support services, and further align itself with international standards. Some of the recommendations from the CEDAW Committee include:
Promptly revise its legislation to bring it in full compliance with CEDAW and international standards;
Investigate promptly, thoroughly, impartially and seriously all allegations of gender-based violence against women, ensure that criminal proceedings are initiated in all such cases, bring the alleged perpetrators to trial in a fair, impartial, timely and expeditious manner and impose appropriate penalties;
Provide victims of violence with safe and prompt access to justice;
Sign and ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence
Other recommendations for Chechnya and details about the case brought to the committee can be found in the Communication No. 65/2014.
Compiled from: Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Communication No. 65/2014 (adopted Feb. 25, 2019).