The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) has launched a Global Virtual Knowledge Centre,, a one-stop resource center for policymakers and advocates working to end violence against women worldwide.
The site condenses best practices and lessons learned from efforts to end violence against women around the world, and contains step-by-step guidance for drafting, reforming, and implementing legislation; monitoring and evaluating laws and programs; engaging men and boys in programs to end violence against women; and creating safe cities and communities for women and girls. Additional modules, addressing, among other things, the education and health of women and girls, are currently being developed.
The resources on the site were developed by recognized experts in various areas of specialization, and vetted by international practitioners. The Advocates for Human Rights lent their expertise to the project, developing the module on Legislation, which provides detailed guidance on drafting legislation to protect victims, prosecute perpetrators, and prevent violence, discrimination, and harmful practices against women and girls; advocating for new laws or reform in existing laws; and implemeting and monitoring laws once they have been enacted.
The database is fully searchable and available in English, French, and Spanish.
Compiled from: Launch of the Global Virtual Knowledge Centre to End Violence against Women and Girls, UNIFEM (4 March 2010).