The United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning sexual violence in conflict zones on 30 September 2009. The US-drafted document, SCR 1888, calls on UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to appoint a Special Representative to investigate the global problem and increase the ability of the UN to help end sexual violence against women. It asks for the appointment of “...a team of experts, comprising specialists on rule of law, civilian and military judicial systems, mediation, criminal investigation, security sector reform, witness protection, fair trial standards, and public outreach” (International Women's Tribune Centre) which would assist in combating sexual violence and preventing impunity. The resolution also calls for the creation of women’s protection advisors in UN-sponsored peacekeeping missions, and for data collecting and annual reporting on the rate of sexual violence in conflict zones, as well as on progress made on the implementation of the new resolution and of SCR 1820.
Compiled from: International Women's Tribune Centre, “UN Security Council Adopts Third Resolution on Women, Peace, and Security- Security Council Resolution 1888” (2 October 2009); United Nations Security Council, “Security Council Adopts Text Mandating Peacekeeping Missions to Protect Women, Girls from Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict” (30 September 2009).