The team at the United Nations
In September, The Advocates completed a successful mission to the United Nations in Geneva. The Advocates and its Moroccan partner, Mobilising for Rights Associates (MRA) advocated to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) on issues of women’s rights in Morocco with a joint shadow report as well as formal and informal briefings that occurred during the Committee’s session. The Committee echoed all of the recommendations provided by The Advocates and MRA in its Concluding Observations. The CESCR recommended, in part, that the Moroccan government abolish polygamy, and conduct awareness campaigns to eliminate gender stereotypes and promote women's rights, and adopt a comprehensive law on violence against women to eliminate all forms of violence against women, including marital rape. In addition, The Advocates raised issues related to violence against women in Nepal and the Republic of Georgia. Nia Kashia, a representative from partner organization the Anti-Violence Network of Georgia, joined The Advocates in advocacy at the Human Rights Council.