In December 2007, the United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence Against Women selected a project proposal from Albania to receive a grant for the first time. The project, entitled “Making It Real: Implementing the Law Against Domestic Violence in Albania,” involves the establishment of Councils Against Domestic Violence, which will serve as referral systems for victims of domestic violence in five local areas, in an effort to support the effective implementation of the one year-old Law Against Domestic Violence in Albania. The Councils will bring together government authorities, NGOs, community organizations and leaders, media, and school officials in each of the five districts to enable coordinated efforts to prevent and combat violence against women. The project also seeks to improve data on domestic violence in Albania, and increase understanding and visibility of the issue, through a campaign to monitor implementation of the new law and the National Strategy on Domestic Violence. For a list of all recipients of grants from the Trust Fund in Support of Action to Eliminate Violence Against Women, click here.
Compiled from: “Grantees—Trust Fund in Support of Action to Eliminate Violence Against Women,” United Nations Development Fund for Women, last accessed 12 June 2008, “Making It Real: Implementing the Law Against Domestic Violence in Albania,” Network Against Gender-Based Violence and Trafficking.