The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women Issues Call for Grant Proposals
Monday, December 5, 2011 12:30 PM

The United Nations Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women is accepting applications for its 16th grant cycle (2011) from government authorities, civil society organizations and networks - including non-governmental, women's and community-based organizations and coalitions, and operational research institutions - and UN Country Teams (in partnership with governments and civil society organizations).

The 2011 UN Trust Fund Call invites proposals in the following areas of action:
i. Closing the Gap on the Implementation of National and Local Laws, Policies and Action Plans that Address Violence against Women
ii. Addressing Violence against Women in Conflict, Post-conflict and Transitional Settings

Applicants are invited to submit grant proposals for a minimum of US$100,000 up to a maximum of US$1 million for a period of two to three years. The application deadline is 19 January 2012.

The complete Call for Proposals detailing criteria, eligibility requirements and application guidelines is available here or via the UN Women homepage.

Published in: The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, “2011 Call for Proposals,” 23 November 2011.