The UN Human Rights Council a Year Later
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 5:00 PM
In June, the UN Human Rights Council was one year old. How is it different from its predecessor the Commission on Human Rights?
The United Nations Human Rights Council has now been in existence for a year. The Council replaced the Commission on Human Rights which had become disreputable for a number of reasons. The Commission was notorious for its reluctance to probe the human rights records of its member countries. Some of these countries were themselves known to be gross human rights violators yet they were not barred from membership to the Commission; in fact some were even allowed to chair it. The Commission was also noted for its slowness to respond to emerging crisis situations in member countries. The body was overly politicized and Edith Ballantyne says that 'every state used or misused the Commission at one time or another for its own political purposes.' [1] The structure and workings of the Human Rights Council were intended to address these flaws, although there has been criticism that the Council has inherited some of its predecessor's problems.
New Procedures
The new Human Rights Council sits throughout the year, unlike its predecessor which sat in open session for only six weeks annually, a cramped schedule that made the Commission ineffective in many respects. The Council's longer schedule should allow it more time and flexibility to conduct its work and respond to human rights emergencies. It has already sat to discuss the human rights situations in Darfur and Lebanon, although the continuing violations illustrate its limitations.
Rather than selected countries being named and shamed as was the case with the Commission, all UN member countries - including Council members - will be routinely scrutinized under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism. The UPR is designed to ensure that there are no double standards in the review of countries' human rights records.
Selection of Commission members was a controversial issue and the secret ballot method that the Council now employs has been welcomed. However its elections have not been without controversy. Egypt won a seat on the Council despite strong protests from national and international human rights organizations who opposed the country's candidature on the grounds that it has been guilty of gross human rights violations and on occasion has also been uncooperative with the UN. On the other hand intense lobbying by NGOs helped prevent the election of Belarus to the Council.
The UPR procedures allow for NGOs to provide written input regarding the human rights situation in states being scrutinized. They will be able to give oral input before the Working Groups reviewing the states, but not to participate in the interactive dialogues with the state representatives during the review sessions. Nevertheless they will continue to be allowed to sit in on the dialogues. The question of the role government-sponsored NGOs at Council sessions and how to ensure that there is adequate representation of less well funded NGOs remains unresolved.
Women's Rights: Room for Improvement
Throughout the Council's first year, NGOs have been involved in the negotiations concerning the workings of the Council. Women's rights organizations have in particular been working to ensure that the organs and procedures of the Council respect the principle of gender equality. The agenda of the Commission had a specific item on women's human rights, but this has not been carried forward to the Council. One of the principles of the UPR mechanism however includes applying a 'gender perspective' to the Council's review work. There are other areas in which the Council has committed itself to observe a gender balance; within the Special Procedures, in the election of the Human Rights Advisory Committee and in the Working Group on Communication within the complaints procedure.
Women's rights organizations have advocated for much stronger emphasis on women's rights. A group of them have called for the Council to ensure: ' 1. At least one full day of discussion every year on the human rights violations suffered mainly or exclusively by women. 2. Adequate planning and capacity-building for the Council to address the differential impact on women and girls of all human rights situations under its consideration.' [2]
In relation to the Special Procedures they have also recommended more explicit consideration of women's and girls rights.
Need to Grapple with Old Issues
Ballantyne argues that regardless of the new structure and willingness for transparency, an old issue will not go away:
'The debates in the ongoing formal Council sessions and informal consultations confirm the fundamental gulf between two approaches to promote and protect human rights for all... In very simple terms, for most of the developing countries the achievement of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development is a priority. Progress in achieving civil and political rights has to be assessed in relation to the former.' [3]
For the majority of women in the world the Human Rights Council will not be doing justice if it fails to give due regard to economic, social and cultural rights in reviewing the implementation of human rights conventions within each country.
Notes: 1.In a paper presented at the Berlin Free University in January 2007. http://www.wilpf.int.ch/humanrights/2007/EdithReform.html 2. See http://www.wilpf.int.ch 3. See note 1.Published in: The UN Human Rights Council a Year Later, Kathambi Kinoti, Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID), 24 August 2007.