According to the most recent Tanzania Demographic and Health Survey (TDHS), nearly 45% of ever-married women in Tanzania reported having experienced physical and/or sexual violence during their lifetime. In order to assess gender-based violence in the country, the International Center for Research on Women, along with the University of Dar es Salaam's Department of Sociology and Anthropology and EngenderHealth, conducted a study in order to understand community perceptions of gender-based violence, identify services that currently exist for victims, and to identify gaps in services and response to victims of gender-based violnece. The researchers conducted outreach in three target regions of the country: Dar es Salaam, Iringa, and Mbeya.Their findings are compiled in the report, Help-Seeking Pathways and Barriers for Survivors of Gender-based Violence in Tanzania (2013).
While different avenues of support exist for survivors of gender-based violence, the study found that many barriers exist that prevent women from seeking help or effectively navigating through the system to receive the care they need. The report includes a number of recommendations to overcome these barriers, including bringing services closer to survivors, spreading awareness about women’s rights and available services, and improving the quality of care for victims of violence. It is hoped that the findings from this study will aid in efforts to design an effective strategy for increasing the availability, quality, and utilization of gender-based violence services throughout Tanzania.