The results of two new United States studies on domestic violence services have recently been reported. The reports provide data regarding the effectiveness of domestic violence shelters in the US for those who seek aid, as well as identify service areas that most need improvement. The first study, Meeting Survivors' Needs: A Multi-State Study of Domestic Violence Shelter Experiences, was conducted by the National Institute of Justice. This study surveyed 3,410 residents of 215 domestic violence shelters in Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Washington during a six-month period in 2007 and 2008. The vast majority of those surveyed reported that, as a result of their shelter experience, they are better able to plan for their safety and their children's safety; they are more aware of important community resources; they received job training and help finding affordable housing; and they obtained relevant legal assistance. Two areas identified by the study as requiring improvement were meeting residents' transportation needs and resolving conflicts between shelter residents.
The second study, the 2008 National Census of Domestic Violence Services, was conducted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence. This study reflected on a survey of domestic violence service providers across the United States taken within a 24-hour period on September 17, 2008. The survey indicates that, in a single day in the United States, 20,000 victims of domestic violence fled their homes; domestic violence programs provided services to 60,799 adults and children; and 8,927 requests for services were unmet due to limited funding.
To access the full Meeting Survivors' Needs report, please click here.
To access the full 2008 Annual Census report, please click here.
Compiled from: New Studies: Shelters Highly Effective, But Can't Help All Who Seek Aid, Family Violence Prevention Fund (27 February 2009); USA - New Studies: Domestic Violence Shelters Highly Effective, But Can't Help All Who Need, Women's UN Report Network (WUNRN) (27 February 2009).