Shan Women's Action Network released the following press release yesterday:
"The Burma Army is clearly authorizing rape as a terror tactic in its offensive against the Shan State Army-North (SSA-N)", according to information documented by Shan Women's Action Network (SWAN) and the Shan Human Rights Foundation (SHRF).
On July 5, 2011, a Burma Army patrol from Light Infantry Battalion 513 entered the village of 'Wan Loi' in Ke See township, and within hours had looted property throughout the village and raped four women and girls in separate incidents: Nang Mon, age 12, Nang Jarm, age 50, Nang Lord, age 30 and Nang Poeng, age 35 (not their real names).
'Wan Loi' lies 15 miles from the SSA-N headquarters of Wan Hai, which has been under fierce assault by over 3,000 Burma Army troops since March 13, when the regime broke the 22-year ceasefire. The troops have been committing widespread atrocities against local villagers, including sexual violence, causing thousands to flee their homes.
"Burma Army troops are being given free rein to rape children, the pregnant and the elderly," said SWAN coordinator Hseng Moon, "We strongly condemn these war crimes".
This latest incident comes only weeks after the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand denounced the rape of 18 women and girls during renewed fighting last month in Kachin State. The breaking of ceasefire agreements with Kachin and Shan resistance groups has caused fighting to spread through 12 townships in northern Shan State.
"Foreign governments dealing with Burma should not be silent about these atrocities. 'Business as usual’ means ongoing rape in our communities," said Hseng Moon.
Compiled From: Press Release: Burma Army Gives Rapists Free Rein in Northern Shan State Offensive, Association for Women's Rights In Development, (20 July 2011).