15 January 2010
A five-volume assessment toolkit has been released to evaluate services addressing violence against women in the Philippines. These assessment tools are part of a national anti-VAW initiative in the Philippines and are intended to monitor the implementation of recent Filipino laws which protect women. The Performance Standards and Assessment Tools for Services Addressing Violence Against Women in the Philippines provides policy objectives and assessments for five areas of service, including investigatory services, medical or hospital-based services, psychological services, legal/prosecution services, and local anti-VAW services conducted at the barangay, municipal, city and provincial levels. A separate assessment package has been developed for each service area.
Each assessment package contains detailed performance standards, an assessment tool matrix, and a baseline report. The performance standards were developed as a tool for direct service providers to respond effectively to cases of VAW and as an advocacy tool for protecting women's human rights, especially those of VAW victims. The assessments are intended to be completed by the service agencies themselves and will be used to gather data, including statistics on current compliance with the performance standards, which will then be used for national prioritization and planning purposes. Areas to be analyzed include current levels of personnel and facilities, as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of the services offered.
The assessment packages for each service area are available for download here.
Compiled from: National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women, “Performance Standards and Assessment Tools for Services Addressing Violence Against Women in the Philippines” (25 March 2008).