Many families in poverty-stricken areas such as the shantytowns scattered throughout Lahore, Pakistan, are being tormented by brothel owners and middlemen who are increasingly coming to these impoverished areas to buy children, primarily girls, for the sex industry or slave labor. The ongoing recession in Pakistan coupled with the rising costs of food and unemployment are forcing many young children into these exploitative industries.
Traditionally, it is considered taboo for women to work outside of the home in Pakistan. This leaves families with only daughters in a difficult position that forces them to solely depend on the father to provide for the family. For many families, the desperate economic situation they find themselves in forces them to consider selling their children.
Though prostitution and child labor in the sex industry are considered illegal in Pakistan, a large number of payoffs and bribes have been given to local authorities to keep them quiet.
Compiled from: “Pakistan: Sold into sex work,” Integrated Regional Information Networks (25 April 2010).