3 November 2006. A reference guide for OSCE staff entitled Gender Aspects in Post-Conflict Situations has recently been published. The guide aims to balance gender in society and create equality by stressing gender issues while rebuilding society. According to the guide, the employee's job is "in helping post-conflict populations to recover, rebuild, and realize the type of society where
inclusiveness fosters peace and prosperity." (Introduction, p. 1.) The guide also focuses on the importance of recognizing universal human rights to achieve these goals. The guide reviews various areas where gender equality should be a goal. Some of the topics discussed include trafficking, violence, participation in elections, equal protection, property rights, education, and employment.
To obtain a print copy of the guide, please contact Beatrix Attinger Colijn, Senior Gender Adviser.
Kaerntner Ring 5-7
1010 Vienna
Tel: +43-1 51 436 275
Fax: +43-1 51 436 96
Compiled from OSCE, Publication: Gender aspects in post-conflict situations: A guide for OSCE staff. Available http://www.osce.org/secretariat/item_11_14003.html.