On International Women’s Day, 8 March 2009, the European Policy Action Centre on Violence against Women (EPAC VAW) launched its website, epacvaw.org. The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) created EPAC VAW in 2007 with the mandate to end violence against women. The site “supports and manages” the EWL Observatory on Violence against Women, a group of experts from 30 European countries within and neighboring the European Union. Epacvaw.org includes data, reports, news and resources on violence against women in these 30 countries, mostly in western Europe, which are listed on the Country Focus page. Women’s rights advocates may be especially interested in News, the upcoming Barometer page on relevant legislation, and the upcoming Cookbook page to exchange information on best campaign practices. Additional resources include Publications, featuring EWL reports, and Other Resources.
Compiled from: European Policy Action Centre on Violence against Women (last accessed 12 March 2009).