The Austin, Texas Sherriff's Department has adopted an innovative method of treating domestic abuse offenders to decrease the possibility of future offenses. The prison-and-probation program, called Resolve to Abolish Violence Everywhere, features intensive, mandatory classes over an extended period of time that are mediated by counselors who themselves are ex-batteres. Rather than the typical anger-management classes prescribed to batterers, RAVE's classes reach to the root of the problem as they dissect the participants' fundamental sense of superiority over women and their choice to use violence on them. So far, the program's approach of having social and cultural peers, ex-offenders, offer messages of respect and rehabilitation to batterers, combined with its strategy of addressing the underlying issues of domestic violence has been a success. Offenders who particpated in RSVP over 16 weeks were 80% less likely to commit another act of domestic abuse than offenders who did not participate in the program.