International Women in Mining (IWiM) has announced their three-month video campaign #MiningTogether - Inclusion Begins With Us. IWiM is an organization that supports women in mining and has 10,000 members in more than 100 countries around the world. Their goal is to promote gender equality in the mining industry through developing mentoring programs, increasing the number of female speakers at mining conferences and who serve on industry boards, and expanding the visual representation of women in mining.
IWiM’s #MiningTogether campaign, in collaboration with Anglo American and De Beers Group, seeks to jump-start a conversation about gender diversity in the mining industry and why it is important. The campaign is calling for individuals to submit short video clips about specific “inclusion moments” that have made them realize why diversity in mining matters to them and how it has made a positive impact on their professional lives. Those interested in participating in this campaign can submit video climes to IWiM through the end of May.
Compiled from: Press Release: #MiningTogether - Inclusion Begins With Us, IWiM; International Women in Mining.