The human rights group CREA has completed the first multi-country research study on violence against marginalized women. The “Count Me IN! Initiative” included quantitative and qualitative surveys and interviews with women in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. Over 1600 lesbian women, prostituted women, and mentally and physically disabled women were surveyed about the following issues:
Gender gaps in education, health care, and employment;
Son preference; and
Marginalization and exclusion of women.
In addition to interviewing women, the initiative also interviewed service providers, reviewed existing literature, and analyzed existing policies. The results of the study, including the policy recommendations specific to each country, were shared with members of Parliament, legal experts, heads of NGOs, municipal officers, and civil society representatives. The executive summary is available now, and the entire report will be posted on the CREA website in the near future.
Compiled from: A New Resource: CREA – Research Study on Violence Against Marginalised Women in South Asia, Association for Women’s Rights in Development (12 October 2011), and Research Study on Violence Against Marginalised Women in South Asia: Executive Summary, CREA (2011).