15 January 2010
As part of its Health Policy Initiative, USAID has released a guide on gender-based violence and its relation to HIV which is intended to be used as a resource for religious leaders and communities. This guide comes in response to a noted gap in resources for faith communities on this issue, and it is hoped that providing such resources will encourage religious organizations to make a special effort to address gender-based violence in their established HIV/AIDS programs.
The guide is intended to be used by religious leaders, communities and institutions as they seek to learn about gender-based violence and its relation to HIV, including why faith communities should address issues of gender-based violence and what specific activities and approaches can be taken. The guide can also be used by secular organizations working on similar issues in order to find examples of how to collaborate with religious leaders and organizations.
The complete report is available for download here.
Compiled from: USAID, A Call to Act: Engaging Religious Leaders and Communities in Addressing Gender-based Violence and HIV (August 2009).