The UN Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its causes and consequences, recently completed an eight-day mission to the country of Georgia, stating that, “deep changes are still needed in society’s attitude towards gender-based violence, including domestic violence and early marriages.” Although Georgia has adopted laws on gender equality and is considering important revisions to its domestic violence laws, the Special Rapporteur, Dubravka Šimonović, noted that violence against women in Georgia is largely considered a “private matter and not a public concern.” This makes it difficult for women to find help, protection or shelter, particularly in rural areas. The Special Rapporteur added that there is “an urgent need for more shelters and crisis centers throughout” Georgia, which currently has just three shelters serving the entire population. She also urged the country to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention).
To access the Special Rapporteur’s full statement, please visit the website of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
Compiled from: “Break the cycle of silence and acceptance of violence against women” – UN expert urges Georgia, UN OHCHR News (February 24, 2016).