The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) has released a new tool that maps available sources of data and statistical information on gender based violence in twenty-eight countries of the European Union (EU). The mapping tool allows users to search for information related to five categories of violence against women: Sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, and stalking.
According EIGE, the tool will help member states assess the “real extent of the phenomenon” of gender-based violence (GBV) in the EU and will improve the collection of comparable data on violence against women. EIGE also hopes member states will use the information to develop an appropriate response to the problem of violence against women, understanding that the available data likely reflects widespred under-reporting of GBV.
To build the mapping tool database, EIGE used information collected as part of a larger study, “Mapping the current status and potential of administrative sources of data on gender-based violence in the EU.” EIGE has also published a separate database, “Literature and Legislation on GBV,” in relation to the mapping study. The larger mapping study, which will include recommendations for improving harmonized GBV data collection in the EU, will be released later in 2014.
Compiled from: “Administrative data sources on GBV in the EU,” European Institute for Gender Equality (2014); “Studies in progress on gender-based violence,” European Institute for Gender Equality (2014).