The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe announced its committment to the Council's two-year campaign to raise awareness about violence against women. The goal is to find effective measures for preventing and combating domestic violence against women by working with its member states' governments, parliamentarians, local and regional authorities, NGOs and civil society. For their part, the Congress urges local and regional authorities across Europe to make the fight against violence against women a priority by becoming actively involved in the Council of Europe campaign and pushing for the strongest possible commitment of national authorities and parliament. In addition, the Congress will hold a conference in November of 2007 to explore the
different avenues available to local and regional authorities in the
fight against violence against women, emphasizing awareness-raising, protection of victims and training social service providers and law enforcement who work with victims.
Compiled from information from the United Nations Women Report Network and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities.
For more information contact
Website for Human Rights Directorate of the Council of Europe Stop Domestic Violence Against Women Campaign.