On 11 September 2008, the Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN), published an article reporting on the decline in Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) cases in Ethiopia. FGM is a traditional practice that is sometimes performed on girls as young as 80 days and as old as 14 years of age. The article states that various organizations in the region have been working to eradicate this dangerous practice and statistics show some signs of improvement. The Ethiopian National Committee on Traditional Practices (EGLDAM) conducted a 2007 survey that showed that the rate of FGM practices declined from 61 percent in 1997 to 47 percent. This same survey also traced prevalence rates among ethnic groups, and found that almost all show a marked decline in FGM cases. The article reports that two million girls around the world are at risk for FGM. Additionally, it cautions that FGM is a major health issue affecting women — FGM can increase vulnerability to HIV and negatively impact female mortality rates.
To read the full article, click here.
Compiled from: “Ethiopia: More Parents Saying No to FGM”, U.N. Integrated Regional Information Network, 11 September 2008.