The European Parliament adopted at the second reading Daphne III, the EU's specific programme to prevent and combat violence against children, young people and women. The third phase of Daphne covers the period 2007-2013 and has a budget of €116.85m. The programme is open to administrations, local municipalities, NGOs, research centres and other related bodies from all the Member States, candidate countries, EFTA states and the countries of the Western Balkans.
Daphne is a Community's programme, the aim of which is to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children, young people and women and to protect victims and groups at risk. The programme also regards as victims of violence children, young people or women who witness a near relative being assaulted.
Initially the Commission proposed a single programme covering both "Daphne" and "Drugs and Prevention and information" but on Parliament's request it was split into two programmes. Rapporteur Lissy Gröner (PES, DE) also believed that was the only way to ensure enough visibility for the Daphne programme.
Many other amendments from the first reading were also taken on board by the Council, in particular the amendments aiming at improving the transparency of the programme, reducing bureaucracy, and thus alleviating access to the programme for NGOs, and providing services to assist them in the preparation of the project proposals. Also the EP has ensured that the highly successful helpdesk service will continue, and that a think-tank providing expert advice is to be set up. As part of the compromise, the EP and Council call on the Commission to consider a possible initiative for a European Year against violence against children, adolescents and women.
Daphne III is the third phase of Daphne and will build on the policies and objectives laid down in the Daphne I (2000-2003; €20m.) and Daphne II (2004-2007; €50m.) programmes. The programme is open to all the Member States as well as candidate countries, EFTA States and the countries of the Western Balkans.
The decision enters into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal.