The Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) was ratified and entered into force in the Philippines in 1981. The protection of these rights, however, is dependent on the judges and other members of the bench to interpret and apply the guarantees found in the treaty. To provide guidance, author Amparita S. Sta. Maria and others undertook to write a Benchbook of CEDAW to assist judges in correctly applying the Convention.
The Benchbook is divided into sections according to the UN Centre for Human Rights guidelines and reflects the groupings of rights to be found in the CEDAW. Included in the Benchbook are references to jurisprudence both from the Philippines and internationally, with the intention of providing greater illustration of how the obligations under the CEDAW are best upheld. Ultimately, the goal in writing the Benchbook is to ensure substantive equal protection of women and to create a judicial system that better protects women.
To learn more and read the Benchbook in its entirety, click here.
Compiled from: "Benchwork Framework," Ateneo Human Rights Center (last visited 16 May, 2008).