The Committee on the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) adopted a general recommendation on the protection of women in conflict and post-conflict situations at its 49th session. The proposed recommendation will address many kinds of conflict, including international and non-international armed conflict and internal “disturbances” that may not be classified as armed conflict. Pramila Patten, who chairs the CEDAW Working Group on human rights of women in conflict situations, said that women in conflict situations face sexual violence, mass rape, torture, summary and arbitrary executions, and displacement.
The CEDAW committee also considered state reports from Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Italy, Nepal, Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Zambia at its session. The chair of the committee, Silvia Pimental, noted that those countries had made improvements including legal reforms, greater access to health and education, and effort to stop violence against women and female genital mutilation. Pimental also stated that the Committee had expressed concern about persistent stereotypes that “have an impact on the advancement of women’s rights,” particularly regarding marriage, inheritance, and other family relations. Trafficking of women and children and violence against women, including marital rape, were other issues that the Committee expressed concerns about.
Compiled from: UN CEDAW Committee adopts General Recommendation on the protection of women’s human rights in conflict and post conflict situations , Women Lobby (01 Aug. 2011)