The UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women is now accepting applications from civil society organizations for the 2018 grant cycle. Funding between US$50,000 and US$1 million is available for multi-year projects.
Proposals are invited within three following programmatic areas: “(1) Improving access for women and girls to essential, safe and adequate multi-sectoral services to end violence against women and girls; (2) Increasing effectiveness of legislation, policies, national action plans and accountability systems to prevent and end violence against women and girls; and (3) Improving prevention of violence against women and girls through changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices.”
For this grant cycle, the UN Trust Fund is inviting applications that focus on “(a) addressing violence against women and girls in the context of the current forced displacement and refugee crisis; or (b) addressing violence against women and girls with disabilities.”
Deadline for applications is January 18, 2019.
More information can be found via the UN Women Grants page and Application Guidelines page.