In August of 2010, the United Nations Population Fund’s office in Yerevan released their findings from the most comprehensive study on domestic violence ever undertaken in Armenia. This study finds that nearly "one in ten women in Armenia has been physically ill-treated by their husbands or partners." Of the nearly 2,800 women interviewed, nine percent occasionally or regularly experience physical violence by a domestic partner. Over three percent of respondents experienced sexual violence by their husband or boyfriend, and 25 percent experience intimidation or “psychological pressures.” The survey also revealed concerns with “economic violence” – over seven percent of women are prohibited by their husbands from working outside the home, and eight percent of women with jobs are forced to hand over earned income to their male partners.
UN Population Fund representative, Garik Hayrapetian, points to social beliefs and attitudes as supporting a “patriarchal society” in Armenia. Of the women interviewed in the study, over 50 percent agree that physical beatings are justified if a wife is unfaithful or commits an otherwise serious offense. This societal attitude is more prevelant outside of the urban areas.
Complied from: Ghalechian, Narine, “Research Sheds Light on Domestic Violence in Armenia,” Azatutyun, (5 August 2010).