Afghanistan: New Report Reveals Police Violence against Women
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 3:20 PM

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission has released a report which reveals that almost 15 percent of sexual assaults and honor killings are executed by the police force in the country. For over two years the Commission collected data and documented 124 cases of violence against women by police: 41 murders and 83 cases of rape. The Interior Ministry rejected the report and responded that police force has made progress in protecting human rights. However, Human Rights Watch recently reported that in Afghanistan, policewomen often face sexual harassment, assault, and even rape, from male colleagues.
Sima Samar, the commission chair, said that "The cultural impunity and the lack of follow up of these cases is something we're very concerned about." Although situation has changed since the reign of the Taliban, Afghanistan is still ranked as one of the most dangerous places for women.