Action Kit on I-VAWA Now Available
Monday, March 5, 2007 9:37 AM
Amnesty International, Women's Edge Coalition and the Family Violence Prevention Fund are leading a campaign to increase U.S. leadership to end violence against women globally. The International Violence against Women Act (I-VAWA) will propose means by which U.S. foreign assistance programs can help eliminate gender-based violence around the world. Working through international assistance that the U.S. already provides to countries around the world, it will offer resources to support best practices against violence aimed at women and girls. It incorporates training, protection and services for women across a range of situations, from the fight against HIV/AIDS, to school and health clinics, to court and legal systems, to workplaces, to refugee camps. The bill will be introduced in Congress in 2007. Take action! An Action Kit on I-VAWA has now been released and is available: