The UPR Monitor is the latest addition to publications by the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). It aims to provide timely information on the new universal periodic review (UPR) of the Human Rights Council (the Council) by briefly reviewing the main documents provided as the basis for each country under review, and highlighting the main issues discussed in the interactive dialogue, the questions put to the State and the recommendations made. Please find attached ISHR's report summarising at the three-hour review process of Morocco under the UPR, which appeared before the Working Group of the UPR on the afternoon of Tuesday 8 April 2008. The report of the Working Group was adopted on the afternoon of Thursday 10 April 2008.
Among the issues raised during the dialogue were:
- women's rights and gender equality
- the rights of the child
- the rights of the disabled
- the rights of non-citizens and migrants
- freedom of expression and freedom of the press
- counter-terrorism
- migration
- human rights education, training, and awareness raising
- prison conditions
- access to social services including health care and housing, and
- transitional justice, and compensation for past human rights violations.
The President also announced that agreement had finally been reached on a standard format for the reports of the Working Group. He explained that the following phrase would be used to indicate the recommendations with which the State under review agrees: 'The recommendations listed above enjoy the support of ........'.
He further stated that the following phrase would be used for recommendations that the State under review would consider further: 'Other recommendations noted in the report in paragraph ..... and paragraph ..., which will be examined by ....., who will provide responses, if any in due time. Both will be noted in the outcome report to be adopted by the Human Rights Council.'
The United Kingdom (UK) raised an objection to the use of these phrases and argued that it would prejudice some States, including the UK, from taking all recommendations under review until the report would be considered by the Council. The President explained that each State would be free to accept recommendations or take them under review.
Published in: UPR Monitor - Morocco Final Report, International Service for Human Rights, 14 April 2008.