Break the Cycle, a non-profit organization aimed at ending domestic violence, recently released an evaluation of states in the U.S. based on the measures in place to protect victims of teen dating violence. According to the evaluation, five states received "A" grades (California, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Oklahoma) and fourteen states received "B" grades. A factor in the grading was access to protection or restraining orders. Only nine states allow minors to obtain protection or restraining orders without a parent or guardian, if certain conditions are met. Ten states automatically failed the review because they do not recognize dating relationships for the purposes of obtaining protection or restraining orders, and do not allow minors to obtain this type of protection. According to Break the Cycle, these obstacles can make it very difficult for teen victims of domestic violence to secure the help they need.
To access the full report, please click here.
Compiled from: Nearly Half of States Fail to Protect Teen Dating Violence Victims, Family Violence Prevention Fund (8 May 2009); 2009 State-by-State Teen Dating Violence Report Card, Break the Cycle (2009).