Moscow's Basmany Court refused on April 11 to hear a case against the Research Center on Human Rights brought by the Federal Registration Service (FRS), the website of the Moscow daily "Kommersant" ( reported. The authorities claim that the NGO has not provided them with the required information on its activities for the past five years. The center denies the charge. After the court's ruling, center Director Lyubov Vinogradova said that she fears that this is not the end of the NGO's troubles because the FRS refuses to accept the registration documents the center has attempted to file and thereby prevents the NGO from being legally registered. The NGO is an umbrella organization bringing together 13 human groups and was founded in 1992. It includes the Union of Committees of Soldiers Mothers as well as the Moscow Helsinki Group led by Lyudmila Alekseyeva, a frequent RFE/RL contributor (see "RFE/RL Newsline," January 29 and 30, and February 1, 2006). Published in: Court Throws Out Suit Against NGO, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 12 April 2006.
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