In June 2007, the Steering Committee for Equality between Women and Men (CDEG) released a report on the effective implementation of the Council of Europe's recommendations on protection for women against violence in member states. The study compares both the "programmatic" (on paper) and "practical" (on the ground) implementations of the Council's recommendations to point out overall tendencies and effective strategies. While the Council put forward 85 recommendations in 2002, the CDEG report focuses on the efforts made by member states in six arenas:
1. The maximum protection of victims
2. The empowerment of victimized women
3. Criminal and civil law adjustment
4. Public awareness and education
5. Training for professionals
6. Prevention
The report recognizes efforts by member states in a large geographic region and seeks to take into consideration the differing historical and political contexts in relation to their efforts in implementing the Council's recommendations.
Compiled from: "Protecting Women Against Violence: An Analytical Study of the Effective Implementation of Recommendation Rec (2002)5 on the Protection of Women Against Violence in Council of Europe Member States," Steering Committee for Equality between Women and Men, June 2007.