Latest Report on Addressing Sexual Violence in Military Academies
Thursday, March 20, 2008 11:52 AM
In a report on the progress made by the nation’s military academies in addressing sexual assault and harassment, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) concluded that much work is needed. The Department of Defense (DOD) has put into place some important institutional structures, such as sexual assault response coordinators and training programs. However, there are still serious problems with reporting and analyzing data as well as program assessment. This failure in oversight results in an inability of Congress and DOD to appropriately address the issue of sexual violence in the academies. The report, “The DOD and Coast Guard Academies Have Taken Steps to Address Incidents of Sexual Harassment and Assault, but Greater Federal Oversight is Needed,” covers cases from 2003-2006 and has been presented to Congressional committees. Compiled from: “Military Academies Fail to Adopt Needed Reforms,” Family Violence Prevention Fund, 12 March 2008.