The University of Rhode Island is offering an online course in sex trafficking called Advanced Topics in Sex Trafficking (Women’s Studies 490) that will be offered during the Fall 2005 semester (Sept. 7 – Dec. 9). The class will focus on sexual exploitation and abuse of women and children through trafficking, prostitution, and pornography and will cover topics ranging from the organization and operation of criminal networks, official corruption, the role of the state in facilitating and combating sexual exploitation, health effects, perpetrator behavior, and policy debates with a particular emphasis on victim needs and services. Students will access and participate in the course through WebCT at the University of Rhode Island and non-University of Rhode Island students will be able to register on July 6th, 2005.
Compiled from: Online Course on Sex Trafficking. The Network of East-West Women-Polska/NEWW. 9 May 2005.