Turkish women have been using daytime talk shows as an outlet to voice their personal stories of domestic violence. However, last week, one woman who had appeared on the show to tell her story, was shot and nearly killed by her son, who claimed that she had brought dishonor to the family. In response to this shooting and an earlier shooting related to a similar show, there is debate about the value of the programs. The two most popular shows have been taken off of the air in fear that it will foster additional violence. Others continue to run. Turkey does not prosecute abusers, does not provide protection for such abuse and offers little support for victims. Domestic violence in Turkey was "a topic that was once strictly kept within household walls." Some claim the shows were exploiting the emotional stories of the women, rather than helping them. Others claim that the programs provided a forum to show women that they are not alone in their suffering and encourage the search for a solution to the problem.
Compiled from: Schliefer, Yigal. "On Turkish TV, Women Face Life and Death." Women's eNews. 24 May 2005.