The Committee on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) released its concluding comments regarding the implementation of the Convention in Turkmenistan. CEDAW was pleased Turkmenistan is planning on ratifying the optional protocal for the Convention, among other things. The Committee raised several concerns regarding sufficiency of information to make an accurate determination of the state's success at implementing the Convention. CEDAW was concerned about the propensity for indirect discrimination against women, despite gender neutral equality laws. The Committee was concerned about the continuing patriarchal attitudes, and the resulting lack of women involved in roles other than that of mother, wife and caregiver. Additionally, CEDAW expressed concern that women were not using the legal remedies available to them as a result of the Convention. Most significantly, CEDAW was concerned about the almost complete lack of legislation, protection measures and services with regard to violence against women, even in the area of domestic violence. The Committee was also concerned about the lack of information and legislation to respond to both prostitution and trafficking in women. In response to each of these concerns and more, CEDAW provides recommendations to the Turkmenistan government for continued improvement. Compiled from: Concluding Consideration of Turkmenistan's Report, Women's Anti-Discrimination, Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, 723rd & 724th meetings, (May 17, 2006). Concluding Comments of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: Turkmenistan, 35th Session (May 15 - June 2, 2006).