Izmir University of Economics (www.ieu.edu.tr) and The Izmir Chamber of Commerce (www.izto.org.tr) Turkey kindly invite you to participate in their first biennial women's studies conference to be held on June 22-24, 2006. This conference, which will hopefully be the first in a series of related events, is properly themed “The Effects of European Union Enlargement on the Socio-Economic Development of Women” and will explore the impact of EU enlargement on women – a topic that remains understudied. The main objective of this conference is to offer a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas among academicians, practitioners, governmental and non-governmental organizations. Turkey, a predominantly Muslim country, has recently taken historic steps towards EU full membership and the effects of this accession on her democratic consolidation and human rights laws have generated much interest. However, the serious issue of the effects of this membership on women and women's rights still remains to be explored. This conference, the first of its kind, will not be limited to Turkey, but will also cover the recent enlargement countries as well as the prospective applicants waiting to join.
Improving women's status in social, economic and political life and providing gender equality in the social security system are among the main objectives of the European Union. Compared to other countries, members of the European Union have taken serious steps on these issues. Equality between women and men in economic life has not yet been obtained, and participation of women in professional life is still lower than that of men even in the European Union. Not surprisingly, the average wages of women in European countries are lower than those of their male counterparts. Consequently, one of the main objectives of the Union is to provide gender equality with respect to wages and employment. Active participation of women in science, protection of women against violence and sexual harassment, expanding general and occupational education opportunities regarding women and increased participation of women in professional life are some of the policies that are used to close the gap between genders. Given the current conditions, this conference hopes to make a modest contribution to the advancement of women in an age of globalization, regionalization and economic and social development, with emphasis on the European Union.
All papers are required to be submitted in English. Turkish-English translation will be provided in plannery sessions and sessions focusing on Turkey. The proceedings of this conference is expected to be published in an edited book that will allow a wider audience to access this much-needed information in an area that lacks sufficient academic research.
We also hope that this conference will be the first step towards establishing a “Women's Studies Research Center for the Advancement of Women” within the framework of IEU. IEU aims to contribute to the advancement and development of women through academic research, dissemination and exchange. To further these goals, the Center plans to initiate an interdisciplinary international journal on women's studies.
Published in: http://dba.ieu.edu.tr/women/ (accessed 06/05/06).
For more information, please visit http://dba.ieu.edu.tr/women/.