The Human Rights Committee considered the fifth periodic report of Poland under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In its concluding observations (PDF, 4 pages), Committee noted progress made in women's rights, including the appointment of a Government Plenipotentiary on the Equal Status of Women and Men. The Committee noted, however, that the representation of women in senior public service positions remained low and there still existed a gender disparity in terms of wages. Additionally, the Committee expressed concern over the prevalence of domestic violence, the inadequacy of law enforcement training on this issue, the underuse of restraining orders and temporary arrests, lack of shelters, and inadequate protection for victims of domestic abuse.
The Committee recommended that the Polish government equal treatment of women and men in public service and take appropriate steps to ensure equal access to the employment sector and equal wages. It also suggested the government provide proper training to law enforcement on handling domestic violence cases, increase the number of shelters and victim services throughout the country, and ensure that victim protection, including restraining orders, is readily available.