The European Commission is seeking views from a wide range of stakeholders on the most important issues that should inform the revision of the current European Community development policy. A new policy proposal will be made in the first half of 2005, aimed at providing a vision for long term reflection and positioning of the Union in the international development debate, as well as a framework to guide the implementation of EU development assistance. The Commission is therefore launching an internet consultation in order to reach the widest possible range of development partners. The consultation will run until 2 March 2005 with results to be published by April 2005.
The question of development is more pressing today than ever before. It is an issue which affects us all and therefore demands that we pull together, citizens and governments alike” said Louis Michel, Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid.
The EU response to the challenges of poverty and development has to be strong and proportionate to its weight as a global partner and a global player. The enlarged EU of 25 Member States represents 13 percent of UN membership, accounts for almost 30 percent of the world economy and is the biggest trading entity in the world. The EU is also the world largest provider of Official Development Assistance, with 55 percent of total ODA provided by OECD members.
Addressing the challenges – not being overwhelmed by them – is the reason why a process of assessment and revision of the development declaration has started within the Commission, with a view to adopting the policy framework for development cooperation in the course of the next months. Obviously it is not a matter of reinventing the wheel: a lot of the current policy has been recognised in very positive terms. But new challenges have emerged both in developing countries and on the international scene, therefore a fresh look and an open debate are needed. The Commission will engage in a broad consultation on a number of issues, with the European Parliament, the European Council, other European institutions, the partner countries and the different segments of the civil society.
How to participate in the public consultation?
The questionnaire is available via the following link:
An issues paper on EU development policy provides a reference to guide the debate and the consultation. It is available via the following link:
English version:
French version
Published in: Commission consults stakeholders on the future of EU development policy, European Commission, Press Release IP/05/91, 25 January 2005.